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Let Us Be Your Wingman With Speed Dating!

When it comes to dating, you sometimes need a Wingman! That's where we come in!

Get ready to meet your potential match (or matches) and go on numerous dates without the pressure or commitment of traditional dating. Ditch the apps, and let's start meeting people in person again. Effort is everything when it comes to dating!

Hosted by the Wingman himself, Hunter Werner! Our speed dating events are low-pressure speed dating events where daters can be themselves! Our staff handles everything. We cover all aspects of the event so you can just come in and find your next connection! We really focus on a safe and fun dating environment. We do not tolerate any harassment of any kind. Our speed dating events are truly one of a kind!


Perks Of Speed Dating


Meet dozens of new people and see if you match as friends, a fun connection, or even more!


A lot of participants walk away from our events with new friends that they met before/during/after our speed dating events!


Be given the opportunity to meet somebody new who potentially could become somebody more to you!


We really hone in on a low pressured and relaxed atmosphere with our speed dating events. It is truly a fun way to meet new people and have no set expectations.


Countless connections and opportunities to be had when it comes to speed dating!


If you like what we do then there is a chance you can be on on of our dating shows! We create dynamic content around dating.

What People Are Saying About Speed Dating

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"Being on Hot Date was such a fun experience and a great opportunity to meet new people. The positive vibes and good company made stepping out of my comfort zone to participate a whole lot easier."



"Being on Wingman Live was truly the experience of a lifetime! Hunter is a phenomenal host who allows you to feel as comfortable as ever on stage. It's an incredible opportunity to showcase yourself while connecting with new people in a way that you can't replicate. Even though you're on stage in front of a large audience, you feel like you're exactly where you're supposed to be. Whether you find love or not, it's a guarantee that you'll learn more about yourself."



"I didn't know what to expect when it comes to speed dating, but after doing the event in Glens Falls I was hooked! I loved meeting so many new people and even got to meet a new friend at the event! I would 

recommend coming to Speed Dating with Wingman Of The Year to anyone that wants to get outside of their comfort zone and try something new."

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"Being a bachelorette on Wingman Of The Year was truly an incredible experience. When Hunter asked if I would appear on the news with him I was ecstatic! It was more than just a show it also showed a lot about myself. I love, love!"

  • What should I wear to a speed dating event?
    Dress in smart casual attire, something that makes you feel comfortable but presentable.Think of this like a first date or if you were going out for drinks with your ladies/boys.
  • How does speed dating work?
    How our Speed Dating works is participants aka daters rotate through short conversations (typically 3-7 minutes depending on attendance numbers of the specific event) with different potential matches. After each round, you indicate whether you'd like to stay in touch with the person on your scorecard and then rotate to the next participant. After all the rounds are completed you are able to finalize your decisions to be submitted to our team.
  • How long do the dates last?
    Each mini-date usually lasts between 3 to 7 minutes, depending on the event format and amount of participants.
  • Is there an age limit or specific age group for attendees?
    Most speed dating events are grouped by age, so be sure to check the event's age range before signing up. We use this age range as a recommendation so while we tend to keep things within an age group, if you are outside of the age group by up to 3 years then we ok with you participating in the event. Overall we try to have a variety of events to meet the needs of different age/background/preferences throughout the course of an average month.
  • How many people will I meet at the event?
    The number of participants varies but is typically between 20-50 people at each event.
  • What happens if I'm interested in someone I meet?
    After the event, you'll submit your preferences on your scorecard, and if there's a mutual interest from both parties, then we will share contact information for both parties digitally through our software to you in an email/text.
  • Do I need to bring anything with me?
    Usually, all you need is yourself. Proof of purchase for the event would help speed up the process (along with checking in for your scorecard prior to the event). In the event of an escalated situation, an ID may need to be presented.
  • How do I sign up, and can I register on the day of the event?
    It's always best to pre-register online for a ticket (on or through Eventbrite directly) to ensure your spot, but some events may allow walk-ins if space permits.The sooner you lock in your space the better. Our events sell quickly.
  • Is there a way to prepare for speed dating?
    Be open, practice good conversation skills, and prepare a few light-hearted questions to break the ice. At the end of the day this is a low pressure environment and we want to help you create connections and make a lasting impact.
  • How early should I arrive for the event?
    We start checking in an hour before each event. It's recommended to arrive 15-30 minutes early to check in, get settled, and relax before the event starts. We start our events promptly at the time listed (Usually 7pm).
  • Is the event LGBTQ+ friendly?
    Some events are tailored for heterosexual singles, while others are LGBTQ+ inclusive. Check the event details to know the audience. We make sure to provide opportunities for events of all kinds at Wingman Of The Year. We do not tolerate any harassment of any kind at our events. If you have a specific question for your needs, feel free to contact us directly.
  • What happens if I'm late to the event?
    Late arrivals might miss out on meeting some participants, as the rotation will have already started. We can add you in at certain points of the event but ideally you should arrive on time and only be late due to an emergency situation.
  • Will there be breaks during the event?
    Most speed dating events include short breaks between rounds (60-90 seconds) but we also do a longer 10-15 min break halfway through the event.
  • How do I know if the event is legit and well-organized?
    We definitely encourage you to check our online reviews, social media, or ask the event organizer for details about past events and attendee feedback. We have been in business for over five years and we have a wide range of experience in the dating industry. We also create online dating shows and interview based series about relationships and Wingman culture. Make sure to visit our website at www.
  • What if I’m shy or nervous about meeting new people?
    We love to tell people how our events are low-pressure and that you get to meet a variety of new people! Everyone is all feeling the same way as you so that helps ease the tension you may have prior to the event. Also, Speed dating can be great for introverts because the short time frames keep conversations manageable. Focus on being yourself and take the event as a fun experience.
  • Will I have to disclose personal information during the event?
    You only need to share what you're comfortable with. Most events only require basic introductions like name and hobbies.We never share any of your information with other daters unless you equally match with someone else after the event.
  • What if I want to stay in touch with someone but they don’t feel the same?
    Contact details are only exchanged if both parties express mutual interest, so there's no pressure or awkward rejection. We do ask to not reach out to individuals without their consent after one of our events. We truly focus on providing safe and fun environments and doing something of this nature goes against our core values.
  • How private is the event? Will anyone outside the event know I attended?
    Events are usually private, with only attendees and organizers present. Some events may have photography or social media coverage, but you can often opt out if you'd prefer anonymity. The comfort of our participants is our main priority.
  • What happens if I meet someone I already know at the event?
    It can happen, especially in smaller communities. Just treat it like any other interaction; you might even use it to break the ice. If the person you already know is in a negative situation, please let us know immediately and we will resolve the issue on a case by case basis.
  • What if I’m not interested in dating but want to meet new people?
    Some attendees come to broaden their social circles, and speed dating can be a fun way to meet new people even if you're not actively looking for a relationship. At the end of the day, you make your Speed Dating experience what is best for you. The key is to relay that transparency to the other participants.
  • How will I know who I’m supposed to talk to next?
    The organizer typically facilitates the event, providing instructions on when to rotate and who to speak to next. Your mobile score card will also relay the information on your smartphone on where to go next (we place table top numbers on each table).
  • Do I have to speak to everyone at the event, or can I skip someone?
    Most events encourage participants to speak with everyone, but if you feel uncomfortable for any reason, please let us know and we will make accommodations accordingly. You are also allowed to go to the restroom during the event if needed although we always recommend doing so before the event or during the break halfway through the Speed Dating.
  • Can I bring a friend for support, and do they need to participate?
    We do allow guests to attend for moral support (if they are not participating in the event), but they would not be present at the table during the speed dating portion of the event if so. They can hang out in our designated “bullpen area” or at the bar as well. There is plenty of time to interact with your friend between rounds and before/after Speed Dating.
  • What kind of questions should I ask during the mini-dates?
    It's best to ask light, open-ended questions to keep the conversation flowing. Focus on hobbies, interests, and fun topics to get to know the other person quickly. Overall just trust your gut and be yourself! If you ever need assistance one of our Wingmen are always down to partake in the conversation with you and your date.
  • Will I receive feedback on how I did during the event?
    Most speed dating events don’t provide individual feedback, but some may offer tips or advice if you request it from the organizers afterward.
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