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Looking for a fun, interactive way to meet new people? Then come to one of Wingman Of The Year’s events with live dating shows and speed dating! Whether you’re seeking love or just a great night out, our events offer a one-of-a-kind experience designed to connect singles in an exciting and low-pressure environment.


Live Dating Shows:
Join us for our high-energy live dating shows, where participants put their charm and personality on display in front of an audience! Hosted by Hunter Werner and the rest of our energetic team, these shows feature games, challenges, and real-time dating moments that will keep you entertained while rooting for your favorite contestants to find a match. You might even get the chance to shoot your shot!

Speed Dating Events:
Tired of endless swiping? Our speed dating events offer a refreshing alternative, giving you the chance to meet potential matches face-to-face in a fun, relaxed setting. You'll have a series of mini-dates with other singles, and if there’s a connection, we help facilitate the exchange of contact information. It’s dating with a modern twist—fast, exciting, and effective!

Don’t miss out on the chance to meet someone special while enjoying a unique and unforgettable experience. Check out our upcoming events and secure your spot today!


Want Us To Come To You?

Do you love what we do and want to see us in your city? Message us below so we can take a look at future destinations for when we plan our next live dating show or speed dating event!

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